





Willow Class 2023 - 2024

Miss Cross

Welcome to Willow Class!

Mr Stone and Mrs Wood welcome you to Willow class.

We are a mixed class of Year 1 and 2 children. We love all our learning and work hard in all our subjects.

Welcome back to the second half of the Summer Term

We have just had a new canopy built in an outdoor area which will mean it is much better to use all year round. Photos will follow shortly.

Our continuous provision activities help us to secure our learning, be independent and be creative. These are often linked to books we are reading in class, our phonics, maths or topic work.

It is our last half term in Willow class and there is lots going on.

On Thursday 6th June we will be visiting Cheltenham Science Festival and learning lots about how to be Astronauts! 

Our BIG questions to finish our Summer term are:

In Science: How do Animals survive? We will be looking at Food chains.

In RE: We will be looking at Why we should care for the world and others?

History changes to Geography though still links as we are thinking about what the Coast is like?

In Art we taking part in our whole school creative arts week and thinking about the theme of connections.

In Design and Technology we are all about sensational salads and fruits! The Best Salad in the World.

In Computing; We will be making computer programmes.

In Music; We will be focusing on a song called in The Groove but learning about all styles of music

In PSHE: We will be looking at what it means to be Growing and Changing from SCARF PSHE unit of work.

In PE we will be focusing on our Athletics skills ready for Sports day in a few weeks time.

English - Our main text for this term will be Wild Oak by CC Harington but we will also be learning a poem to perform and looking at books linked to our science topic.

MathsYear 2 children will be consolidating all their learning over the next few weeks ready for Year 3 and Year 1 children will be focusing on Multiplication and Division and then money!

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Together we live, learn and flourish

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

Connect With Us

School Lane, Ampney Crucis,
Gloucestershire, GL7 5SD

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

Contact Us

School Business Manager | Heather Chadwick

01285 851440

Our School opening times are 08:45 until 15:15

Headteacher and SENCo | Mrs Tana Wood

Chair of Governors | Howard Beddoe

About Us

We may look small from the outside, but we have lovely grounds to explore at the back of our school as well as new library that is the pride and joy of all our school.