Willow Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Jackson
Welcome to Willow Class!
Miss Jackson welcomes you to Willow Class.
We are a mixed class of Year 1 and 2 children. We are fun, curious and love our learning. In Willow class we are supported by Mrs Gardener all day and Mrs Fletcher during the mornings.
Please see the links to 'curriculum overview' for this term's information. Our key question for the term 'Is what if we were explorers?'. In this topic we will be looking at key events from the Great fire of London by gathering evidence and looking closely at sources to understand why so much of London was destroyed.
We will be in Science exploring the topic of minibeasts to better understand conservation, biodiversity and habitats. We will use this knowledge to design our own minibeast mansions.
Our key texts for this term include 'Here we are' by Oliver Jeffers. We will be creating our own healthy living posters, non-chronological reports and better understand what we can do to help planet earth. We will also be reading 'Last stop on Market street' by Matt de la Peña. In this topic, we will experience our own virtual bus journey, reach out to the community and innovate our own version of the text.
In Maths, Year 1 will begin by looking at place value up to 20, moving onto shape and later addition and subtraction. Year 2 will begin by partitioning numbers to 100, before moving onto properties of different 2D shapes and adddition and subtraction. Daily we will practise our skip counting and number bonds. Year 2s will also practise their times table knowledge on Times Table Rock Stars.
In our class in addition to our learning, we complete 'Explore and learn' challenges to extend and deepen our learning. This includes a fabulous ourdoor area with our own writing shed. We also enjoy our role play area currently set up as Pudding Lane Bakery, small world and a range of art and maths challenges.
Year 2 children will be sent home their spelling list to learn weekly. This includes spellings of the sound we have learnt plus additional common exception words. Each Friday I will practise with the children and do a check to measure how they are getting on learning the spellings. You will be able to further practise these the following week. Year 1s will also come home with a sound bookmark containing the sound we have learnt this week. In class daily we practise both reading and writing these words. When reading with your child you can include the practise of both reading and writing of these. Books will be changed on a Friday. Your child will recieved a rhino reader book matched to the sounds they are learning or a previous sound and an additional book to deepen their love for reading. Additionally, childen will bring home a library book to share each week. Each book should be read 3x throughout the week. Please record any reading completed in your child's reading record.
PE takes place on a Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr Wood from Atlas Sports and a cricket session with All stars cricket.
My PPA time takes place on Tuesday afternoons, when the class will be covered by Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Gardener.
Please ensure your child has clothes for all weathers in school (including a coat), we try to get outside as much as we can!
Willow Class: Blog items
Willow Class Week 5, by Miss Jackson
Willow Class Week 4, by Miss Jackson
Willow Class week 2, by Miss Jackson
Willow Class: Calendar items
Willow and Maple Atlas Sports After School Club, by Mrs Wood
Maple and Willow Gloucestershire Cricket Sessions, by Mrs Wood
Willow and Maple Atlas Sports After School Club, by Mrs Wood