Chestnut Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Mckay
Welcome to Chestnut Class!
We are the Year 3 and 4 class at Ampney Crucis Primary School and the 'class on the grass', as we are situated in our lovely classroom, away from the main building. We are a fun and enthusiastic group who love learning, being curious and having fun!
In Chestnut, we are supported by Mrs Paxford every morning and some afternoons.
Please see the links to 'letters' and curriculum overview below for this term's information.
Homework in Chestnut Class consists of weekly spellings and learning times tables via TT Rockstars. I will also introduce topic-related or more creative tasks throughout the year. Reading daily is an on-going expectation throughout KS2.
Our class book for this term is: Warning: Magic Can Be Dangerous! (B.Ware)
PE takes place on Mondays and Thursdays.
Homework is set on a Friday and needs to be in to be marked on Wednesday.
My PPA time takes place on Thursday afternoons, when the class will be covered by Mr Wood & Mrs Paxford.
*******YEAR 4 Multiplication Tables Check information in files section*********.
Chestnut Class: News items
Willow's Cooking Day - Tudor Pasties, by Mrs Wood
Christingle Service, by Mrs Wood
Sports Leaders Event, by Mrs Wood
Chestnut Class: Blog items
Chestnut Class: Calendar items
Cross Country Club, by Mrs Wood
Chestnut and Oak Atlas Sports, by Mrs Wood
Cross Country Club, by Mrs Wood