





Reception Baseline Assessment

Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)
We will be carrying out Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) week commencing 16th September 2024.  These must be done within the first 6 weeks of children starting Reception.

The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a new measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between reception and Year 6 / the end of Key Stage 2.

What is the RBA?

The RBA is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child’s age will be familiar with. It is statutory for all schools from September 2021.

For more information please see the guidance below for parents and speak to The Maple class teachers if you have any further questions.

Information for Parents

Together we live, learn and flourish

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

Connect With Us

School Lane, Ampney Crucis,
Gloucestershire, GL7 5SD

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

Contact Us

School Business Manager | Heather Chadwick

01285 851440

Our School opening times are 08:45 until 15:15

Headteacher and SENCo | Mrs Tana Wood

Chair of Governors | Howard Beddoe

About Us

We may look small from the outside, but we have lovely grounds to explore at the back of our school as well as new library that is the pride and joy of all our school.